Hi, I’m Junwen

I am a first-year PhD student in the Trustworthy Engineering of Software Technologies (TEST) Lab at the National University of Singapore (NUS), fortunate to be advised by Prof. Manuel Rigger. Prior to my PhD, I earned my Bachelor’s degree at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), advised by Prof. Yuqun Zhang. I have also worked as a research assistant advised by Prof. Toby Jia-Jun Li at the University of Notre Dame.

My research interests lie in Software Engineering, especially in developing practical solutions to make software and its development process reliable. I have been exposed to research areas on Programming ToolsSoftware Composition Analysis (SCA), and would like to explore new topics in the future.

You can also check out my CV for more detailed information.


  • 08/2024: Arrived at Singapore and started my Ph.D. journey at NUS!
  • 04/2024: I will join the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS) as a Ph.D. student, advised by Prof. Manuel Rigger in Fall 2024!
  • 12/2023: My first co-first author paper CodeGRITS: A Research Toolkit for Developer Behavior and Eye Tracking in IDE is accepted by ICSE 2024 Demonstrations!
  • 10/2023: Our paper BinaryAI: Binary Software Composition Analysis via Intelligent Binary Source Code Matching is accepted by ICSE 2024!